Burdock Root- Medicine cats can chew these into a pulp that is applied to rat bites. Cures infection.
Catmint (Catnip)- This is the best remedy for greencough.
Chervil- The juice of the leaves can be used to treat infected wounds. Chewing the roots help with belly aches.
Cobweb- Cobweb stops bleeding.
Coltsfoot- The leaves can be chewed into a pulp, which is used for shortness of breath.
Comfrey- The fat black roots from this plant can be chewed into a poultice to mend broken bones or soothe wounds.
Dock- This plants leaf can be chewed up and applied to soothe scratches.
Dried Oak Leaves- These leaves are used to stop infection.
Feverfew- Cats can eat this that have a fever or the chills.
Goldenrod- A poultice of this is great for healing wounds.
Honey- Honey is great for soothing infections or throats of cats that have breathen in smoke.
Horsetail- The leaves are used to treat infected herbs. Usually chewed up and applied as a poultice.
Juniper Berries- These berries soothe bellyaches and help cats that are having trouble breathing.
Lavender- This cures fever.
Marigold- The leaves or petaks can be chewed into a pulp and applied to wounds, stop infections.
Mouse Bile- Soak a piece of moss in the bile and dap a little on a tick and if will fall off. Be sure to wash your paws thoroughly in water afterwards.
Poppy Seeds- These are fed to cats to help them sleep. Soothe cats that are suffering from shock or distress, not recommended for nursing queens.
Stinging Neetle- The seeds can be given to a cat who has swallowed posion. The leaves are applied to a wound to bring down swelling.
Tansy- Tansy is good for curing coughs, but most be eaten in small doses.
Thyme- This herb can be eaten to calm anxiety and frayed nerves.
Watermint- This herb is usually chewed into a pulp and then fed to a cat suffering from a bellyache.
Wild Garlic- Rolling in a patch of wild garlic can help prevent infection, especially for dangerous wounds like rat bites.
Yarrow- The leaves of this plant can be made into a poultice and applird to scratches or wounds to expel posion.
*Flurrystorm cleaned up her herbs and put them in the right spot. She remembered she told Whisperstar that she was going to go out to collect herbs. She quickly went out of her den and dipped her head as Rustfur and Falconfur padded into the gorse tunnel. She padded out and came back in at Moonhigh with a bundle of herbs. She dropped it and called Owlkit.* Owlkit! Come here, since you wanted to become a Med.Cat Apprentice, I'll give you an assighment. Take these herbs and put it in the right pile *She ordered then sat down with her tail neatly curled around her*
ReplyDeleteCool! *he came over* That one i think is dock. To soothe scratches. *he picked it up and put it in a pile* *he came over to do the other three* That one is goldenrod, *he pointed to the second one and put it in a pile* Good for healing wounds. The next one is catmint. *he grabs the bundle and puts it in a pile* Treats green-cough and white-cough. And the last one is JUniper berries. Used to soothe belly aches and help cants who cant breath right. *he grabbed it and put it in a pile* Am I right? *he asked hopefully*
*Flurrystorm looked shocked* Wow, Owlkit, it even took me to remember all that! You are a natural! *She purred and licked his forehead* Fix the rest while I go out and look at your brother, i heard he has a little cough, give me catmint please *she ordered hopefully her brother would make it*
ReplyDelete*he got some of herb in his mouth and handed it to Flurrystorm* *he started to organize just like she told him to*