Friday, November 6, 2009

Sad news, but still

I have sad news, but I will still exist-on a different site. I have regretted this, but I have a picky problem. I constantly change my characters and always create new clans. So I'll be deleting these clans and making a new one. Well I don't know how to delete them but if you do then please comment under Join Here page at thank you

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Hi! If you want to advertise a clan comment under here! I'll post it on the side!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

New Apprentices!


We have 2 new kits turning apprentices!
Owlkit, step up. From now on you will be given the name Owlpaw! Flurrystorm will mentor you!
*They touch noses*
Eaglekit, step up. From now on you will be given the name Eaglepaw! I will mentor you!
*She bent down to touch noses*






I have randomly felt like to make new cats, so I have made 2 new cats. Evapaw,Fernpaw and Hollypaw!(We need mentors for them)



*Flurrystorm sniffed the air, she suddenly saw eyes glaring at her of rouge cats*Rouges!? *she suddenly jumped up in alarm. She ran to Rustfur.* Rustfur! Rustfur! *She called as she ran to her brother. Rustfur turned around puzzled.* What do you want, Flurrystorm? *He demanded.* Rouge cats! They're here! They've come! Go warn Whisperstar! I got to go and get the herbs ready. *Rustfur nodded then flicked his tail to Falconfur who's ears were pricked in the conversation. They both ran to the leaders den.* Whisperstar, rouge cats! They have come to ambush us! *Whisperstar looked alarmed. She nodded* Rippledblaze, go take these two and guard the camp entrance, we'll hide, then we'll ambush. Go! *They all ran toward the gorse tunnel, then all of a sudden rouge cats poured into the clearing* Blizzardclan! We're under attack! *Rustfur,Falconfur and Rippledblaze ran back and grabbed a rouge cats, Whisperstar did the same. She glanced at Rippledblaze's mate, Whispersong, she was fighting for her life out there to protect the kits. She also saw the Flurrystorm sneak into the nursery and grab Owlkit and Eaglekit lightly and took them to her den, the icy den will keep away the rouges if it were slippery. She put them in the back and decided to tell Owlkit a Medicine cat tale while she let Eaglekit play around in the back.* Be safe! *she warned Eaglekit, then she started telling the tale*